TPE Manufacturers

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Golden Suppliers : TPE Manufacture

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1. Transparent TPE

The Spec Of TPE : Series 10 of Transparent TPE are SEBS hydrogenated grade materials. These series of materials are with excellent natural rubber elasticity and weather resistance, and also with excellent special properties, such as very high rub and abrasion resistance, scratch resistance and excellent aging resistance. These Transp....

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2. Leeprene Thermoplastic Rubbers

The Spec Of TPE : The incredible properties of leeprene transferred from the AES’s turnkey project by special design of its thermoplastic vulcanized process to mix the very stable RC olefins with polyolefin rapidly. Its excellent properties similar with EPDM vulcanized rubber could be not only recovery for recycling usage but also sup....

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3. Other TPE

The Spec Of TPE : Series 40 belong to SEBS+SBS hydrogenated grade materials Widely being used in the application of anti-slip mats / floor, bathroom, car mats….; covering and visual appearance designs of grips for various type of hand tools, toothbrushes & gardening tools. Using the elastomeric materials (TPE / TPR) to increase....

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The Spec Of TPE : Series 21 of TPE SEBS are SEBS hydrogenated grade materials The material has good property for coloring, with comfortable sense of touch and good weather resistance. The options of hardness can be designed according to customers' requirements. It has excellent mechanical properties and softness. It is often used....

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5. TPE Overmolding With Engineering Plastics

The Spec Of TPE : Series 71 belongs to the SEBS+SBS hydrogenated secondary material. This series of material has excellent physical/ mechanical strength and the anti-slip properties and softness of the elastomer, excellent sense of touch and scratch-resistant material, with extremely good penetration strength bonding with ABS and PC ....

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6. TPE Translucent Series 20

The Spec Of TPE : Series 20 are SEBS hydrogenated grade materials The material has good property for coloring, with comfortable sense of touch and good weather resistance. The options of hardness can be designed according to customers' requirements. It has excellent mechanical properties and softness. It is often used as the best....

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7. TPE Translucent Series 60

The Spec Of TPE : Series 60 are SEBS hydrogenated grade materials. These series of materials are with excellent natural rubber elasticity and weather resistance, and also with excellent special properties, such as very high rub and abrasion resistance, scratch resistance and excellent aging resistance. These materials can also be rec....

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The Spec Of TPE : Series 31/ Series 41 belong to TPE SBS+SEBS hydrogenated grade materials Widely being used in the application of anti-slip mats / floor, bathroom, car mats….; covering and visual appearance designs of grips for various type of hand tools, toothbrushes & gardening tools. Using the elastomeric materials (TPE / T....

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9. Leeprene Thermoplastic Rubbers

The Spec Of TPE : The incredible properties of leeprene transferred from the AES’s turnkey project by special design of its thermoplastic vulcanized process to mix the very stable RC olefins with polyolefin rapidly. Its excellent properties similar with EPDM vulcanized rubber could be not only recovery for recycling usage but also sup....

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