PA Systems

China PA Systems Manufacturers listings in full models and specifications. PA systems made in China by leading Chinese suppliers. Search for complete listings of Chinese PA systems suppliers and related trade leads in Company List : Portable PA Systems Manufacturers & Suppliers.
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Golden Suppliers : PA Systems Manufacture

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1. Public Address Systems (Projection Speakers)

The Spec Of PA Systems : 1. Type uni-directional. 2. Line load resistance: 666ohm. 3. Dispersion angle: 100degrees. 1. Rated power: 2.5/5/10w. 2. Line voltage: 70/100v. 3. Sensitivity: 92db. 4. Frequency response: 150hz-14khz. 5. Baffle site dia.: 138 x 225mm. 6. Weight: 2.08kg. ....

PA Systems image

2. Portable PA Systems

The Spec Of PA Systems : 1. TA-230, a brand new featured PA system derived from the traditional PA system and audio system. 2. TA -230 is a machine that brings really the enjoyment to you and party. 3. TEV made TA-230 to be compatible; a platform for you. (1) Portable, compact, lightweight. (2) 100 watts output, stereo sound performance. ....

PA Systems image

3. Public Address Amplifiers

The Spec Of PA Systems : 1. Three-microphone input, tow aux input, and one aux out for link. 2. Muting function. 3. Individual volume control. 4. Output circuit shorting protection & alarm. 1. Power consumption: 120w. 2. Output: 60w. 3. Max. output power: 90w. ....

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Listing of China PA Systems Manufacturers & suppliers. All qualify products of PA systems made in China & Taiwan, connecting reliable Chinese manufacturers, suppliers, exporters, factories & contract manufacturing companies with global buyers.

China manufacturers listings of PA systems in for global buyers. High quality and quality assurance. PA systems supplied by Chinese manufacturers with the most competitive prices and superb quality. Listings will lead you right to crucial data such as company brief introduction business type, main products, target market, contact information, certifications and more.

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